Watching the best stoner movies can be a great way to relax and kick back with friends or family members, and they can also lead to nostalgia.
What Are The Best Stoner Movies Ever Made?
Whether you’re the stereotypical couch-locked bro or the stereotypical stylish stoner, there’s no denying that good movies help make the time fly by while you’re getting baked.
Some of the greatest comedies ever made happen to also be some of the greatest stoner movies, from classics like Cheech and Chong’s Up in Smoke to more recent fare like Pineapple Express and Super Troopers 2.
But what are the best stoner movies ever made? Here are our top picks for the movies every pothead should watch at least once.
Donnie Darko
Donnie Darko (2001) is a classic stoner movie that is fun to watch while high. While most people remember it for Jake Gyllenhaal's endearing performance, they forget to mention how trippy and metaphysical it is.
That being said, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when deciding on which stoner movie to watch while high.
First, watch something that is not only entertaining but also visually appealing as well: Being high can sometimes muddle your vision and make it harder to appreciate certain aspects of a film (such as special effects).
Second, choose something with a strong plotline; ultimately, you want something that is going to engage you so you don't get bored.
The Big Lebowski
There’s a case to be made that The Big Lebowski is more than just a stoner movie. In fact, many critics have argued that it’s one of cinema’s greatest and most quotable movies, period.
That said, its history as an underground hit makes it an ideal pick for anyone looking to watch stoner movies online or on DVD. Released in 1998 and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen (with Jeff Bridges leading a stellar cast), The Big Lebowski has become something of a cultural phenomenon that appeals to people who wouldn't even call themselves big fans of weed culture in general.
Half Baked
What better movie to start off with than Half Baked (starring Dave Chappelle)? This 1998 comedy is a must-see for all potheads and laid-back people out there.
If you’re not familiar with it, Half Baked has plenty of funny moments and might even get you curious about smoking up (do what I say, not what I do). It’s very entertaining and it is definitely one of my favorite movies! There are many great lines in it that will have all types of people laughing.
Pineapple Express
Pineapple Express has gained a cult following since its release in 2008, and with good reason. Seth Rogen and James Franco star as two friends who find themselves on a wild trip across Los Angeles when one of them gets involved with a drug lord (played by Gary Cole).
One thing leads to another and soon you’re in for action, laughs, explosions—and even car chases! It’s not just about laughs either: Pineapple Express is also an action-adventure comedy. There are plenty of innuendos throughout, which makes it fun for viewers of all ages!
Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
This 2004 cult classic is a shining beacon of cinematic art. Very few movies capture two characters who are so perfectly matched on screen together, and after all these years, it still holds up as a funny and endearing story about friendship.
No one has ever made jumping through airport security or an awkward visit to a relative’s house seem so important and fun as Kal Penn and John Cho do in Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle. It’s absolutely stonery perfection.
Dazed And Confused
This is one of those movies that even people who aren’t stoners like. If you haven’t seen it, there are two things to know about it: 1) it’s a great coming-of-age movie, 2) half of it was filmed while David Wooderson was high.
This Is The End
Not all pothead movies are about getting high and eating munchies, though. This Is The End is a film that takes an honest look at getting older and being afraid of change. Seth Rogen and his crew spend a weekend partying in LA before facing their own mortality by meeting death head-on.
If you enjoy ironic humor, then you’ll love what these actors bring to the big screen. It’s one of those stoner films that people may not realize is about weed unless they were paying very close attention! Whether or not you’re under the influence, it’s still funny.
Fast Times At Ridgemont High
When Fast Times at Ridgemont High came out in 1982, it was controversial due to its use of profanity and sexual situations. In fact, a few theaters even refused to show it.
But since then, Fast Times has become one of the most iconic teen movies ever made — which is fitting because it’s based on Cameron Crowe’s teenage years in high school (Crowe also wrote and directed).
Filled with timeless quotes (This place is like a prison) and unforgettable scenes (see: Spicoli's all right! catchphrase), Fast Times will always be considered an essential flick for any stoner. And no matter how many times you've seen it while high, watching Jeff Spicoli play paddle ball will never get old.
The Daily Beast once described Ted as a movie where Seth MacFarlane directs a talking teddy bear through drug abuse, erectile dysfunction, and sex work. (You may have seen it referred to as the best stoner movie of all time.)
In his review for Slate, Dana Stevens wrote that she was delighted by how seriously the film treated its theme of legalized marijuana. She wrote that MacFarlane took advantage of being able to produce a more mainstream comedy about pot than would otherwise be possible under prohibition.
Stoner Movies
What makes a good stoner movie, or one that's entertaining to watch while high? From our vantage point in 2015, we can recognize how influential some of these films were in establishing trends, techniques, and tropes that would become standard over time.
But why do we still love watching them now, decades later? Sure, nostalgia factors into it. After all, most of us weren't smoking weed when Cheech & Chong's Next Movie or Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle first came out (if you were stoned for either of those films' original releases though, I'd be very jealous).
Yet even if you haven't smoked in years (or never have), there's an inherent pleasure derived from viewing movies about characters with whom you can relate.
Final Thoughts
Every stoner will have a different list of movies that they enjoy watching while high, and while every movie on this list might not be everyone’s cup of tea, each one is worth a watch.