In the past decades, cannabis users have developed a stoner stereotype that commonly labeled weed consumers as lazy and uneducated people who did nothing.
Weed may be one of the least harmful recreational drugs out there, but not everyone sees it that way. The stoner stereotype of unmotivated, uneducated, and ultimately unproductive individuals persists even though science has disproven these notions time and time again. Unfortunately, that’s not likely to change anytime soon, because lazy stoners make great villains in movies and television.
A study done in 2012 showed that there was no link between smoking and being lazy. In fact, the study found that people who smoked were actually more likely to have jobs than those who didn’t smoke.
Another study found that marijuana use had no effect on IQ or educational attainment. So next time someone tries to tell you that smoking weed makes you lazy or uneducated, remind them of these studies and put their mind at ease.
Smoking weed is not a negative thing for your life: it can make you feel good, relax after a hard day's work, make you laugh with friends, and even help with medical conditions.
Smoking weed doesn't make you lazy.
The drug might make you more creative, however.
A study published in the journal Psychopharmacology found that marijuana use was linked with increased creativity, as measured by a standard test called the Torrance Test for Creativity-Second Edition.
The research does not show that smoking marijuana leads directly to better creative performance, but it does suggest that there is a link between the two.
"It's possible that people who are predisposed toward being more creative may be more likely to engage in cannabis use," said lead author Francesca M. Filbey, director of cognitive neuroimaging at the Center for BrainHealth at the University of Texas at Dallas. "But it could also be that using cannabis could increase creativity."
The idea that smoking weed makes you lazy is nothing more than a myth.
The idea that cannabis use causes laziness comes from a misunderstanding about what it does to your brain, according to Carl Hart, associate professor of psychology and psychiatry at Columbia University.
Hart studies the effects of drugs on the brain and behavior, including marijuana's effects. He told Business Insider that if people who smoke weed all day long sit around and do nothing, it's not because they're high. It's because they have other problems, like depression or anxiety, which can make them unmotivated.
"It's like blaming coffee for making people sleepy," he said.
But while cannabis use may not make you lazy, evidence suggests that in some cases, it could be connected to a lack of motivation, but in these cases, there is potential that mental health issues could also be at fault. A study published in 2014 by researchers at the University of Missouri found that when rats were given THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), one of the main chemicals in marijuana, they became less motivated to work for food than rats not given THC.
Smoking is not for everyone, but it's not as bad as most people think. Weed can reduce anxiety, chronic pain, and depression. It can also help with certain health conditions like PTSD and glaucoma. And don't forget about all of the fun stuff we associate with smoking - creativity, music appreciation, philosophical thinking... The list goes on!
Marijuana has been shown to help with various medical conditions, such as pain relief, nausea, and appetite stimulation. Additionally, marijuana can improve your mood and help you relax. Some people may think that marijuana makes you lazy, but the opposite is actually true.
Marijuana can increase your motivation and productivity. It has also been shown to have a positive effect on academic performance in adolescents who use it moderately. In other words, pot doesn't make you lazy or uneducated!
A recent study published in the journal Addictive Behaviors set out to dispel the lazy stoner stereotype. The study found that there was no difference in work performance or motivation between weed smokers and non-smokers.
In fact, the only difference the study found was that weed smokers were more likely to start their own businesses. So if you're a weed smoker, don't let anyone tell you that you're lazy or uneducated - the science says otherwise!
Of course, these findings are hardly surprising when you consider all of the successful business people who smoke weed on a regular basis. Mark Zuckerberg probably smokes it almost every day and he's one of the most powerful people in Silicon Valley.
There's even an entire community of weed-smoking entrepreneurs - known as ganjapreneurs - who exist because marijuana is now legal for medical use in many states. So rest assured knowing that your career won't suffer if you smoke marijuana occasionally; rather, it may be enhanced!
A recent study conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that only 0.5% of cannabis users qualify as addicts. This means that the vast majority of people who use cannabis are not addicted to it.
The study also found that cannabis does not make people lazy or uneducated. In fact, cannabis users are more likely to have higher levels of education than non-users. And when comparing people with similar levels of education, cannabis users tend to be more motivated and successful in their careers.
It's been shown that most weed smokers simply want a way to relax after a long day at work or school, and this is why some continue smoking into adulthood. The average age for first-time use is 16 years old.
A recent study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association found that there was no link between marijuana use and cognitive decline. In fact, the study found that marijuana users actually performed better on some cognitive tests than non-users. And contrary to popular belief, weed doesn’t make you lazy or uneducated.
Many people who smoke weed are successful entrepreneurs with thriving careers and healthy social lives. If anything, weed has helped them be more creative and productive. Weed helps me focus, says Megan F., a writer from San Francisco. She says, “I get a lot done when I'm high. What's not to love about being able to work and play at the same time?”
People often compare getting high to taking painkillers, but it's not like your brain is numbed out by THC. You can still feel every emotion just as strongly as you would sober—sometimes even stronger.
A new study published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs found that medical marijuana patients have fewer sick days than those who don't use the drug. The study's authors say this dispels the lazy stoner stereotype. Most participants used cannabis to help with managing pain, anxiety, and depression, lead author Amanda Reiman said in a press release. Some also reported that they used cannabis as an alternative to potentially addictive or dangerous prescription drugs.
She added, “Cannabis is showing great promise for helping with a number of different conditions; it is important to continue researching its potential so we can understand how best to help people.”
In a study done in 2012, it was found that marijuana users have an average IQ of 105. This is higher than the general population's average IQ of 100. They also tend to have an above-average income, with 36% of cannabis users making over $75,000 a year.
Cannabis users are also more likely to vote than those who don't use the drug. A study by Yale University showed that 29% of weed smokers voted in 2008 and 34% voted in 2010. Compare this to the 18% and 20%, respectively, for non-users.
The stigma of being lazy or uneducated is revealed time and time again to not be true: Weed has been shown to stimulate new thoughts and provide creativity without inhibiting judgment but does make people tired. There have been studies about the effects on school performance:
One study in 2002 showed that high school students using marijuana less than once a week performed better on certain tests than their peers who didn't smoke at all. Another report from 2009 reported better grades among college students who used pot occasionally.
In some cases, weed can actually motivate you instead of the opposite. Weed can help motivate you because it affects your brain chemistry in such a way that makes you feel good about yourself and your surroundings. It affects dopamine production which leads to feelings of euphoria when you smoke.
This feeling can be strong enough to get you motivated to perform tasks that aren't necessarily all that enjoyable but need doing anyway. The good feelings associated with smoking weed are also helpful when trying to get motivated because they make it easier to work through small problems without worrying too much about them.
The 'lazy stoner' stereotype is just that - a stereotype. It's based on outdated information and does not reflect the reality of how cannabis affects people. In fact, studies have shown that cannabis can actually increase productivity and motivation in some people. So if you're looking to get things done, don't write off weed as a potential tool in your arsenal.