PROTECTS UP TO 1 OUNCE (28 GRAMS) FLOWER -- Sold in packages of 10, Boveda protects your flower with the original terpene shield. Boveda is precise humidity control for cannabis, which restores and maintains humidity to create a protective monolayer of water molecules over trichomes, so you can Save the Terps. -- Choose Size 8 Boveda for small jars and small bags. Experience for yourself how much better cannabis is with Boveda. -- Boveda 58% RH versus 62% RH for cannabis? It really comes down to personal preference. Try them both side-by-side to see which RH you like better with buds. Or follow these guidelines before buying Boveda for your flower for the first time. -- Start with 58% RH: • If you live in a humid climate • If you prefer drier flower • If you struggle with moldy cannabis • If you're storing flower for personal-use products, such as joints and pre-rolls -- Start with 62% RH: • If you live in a dry climate • If you prefer stickier bud • If you need to control humidity in large herbal storage -- (Just don't mix different RH percentages within the same jar, tin or tote.)
Boveda is the Global Leader in 2-way Humidity Control. The same technology that revolutionized cigar storage is now available for cannabis with 58% and 62% relative humidity - the sweet spot for cannabis. Check out our products that will change the way you enjoy weed. Check out our website and #neverbuydry