The original Endless Heights was a bong shop started by two friends and just over $10,000. Alex Newman and Chris Seguin were both students at the University of Windsor and realized the need for a cannabis culture shop in the area. At that time you could only sell accessories, or ‘paraphernalia’ as it was called. But the shop quickly became a namesake business on campus. This is where our story begins.
Endless Heights organized and sponsored Windsor’s only marijuana marches and culture fests in the lead up to legalization. Partnering with the university student group- the WIndsor Cannabis Alliance, the WIndsor marijuana march became a local tradition for three years in a row with the final march coinciding with the election of Justin Trudeau.
Four years into our lifespan, the world of marijuana shook and the future would change forever. For years marijuana was a black market product. Now, the plant and the people would be coming into the light. The next four years would be the golden age of the ‘grey market’ – the pre legal experiments and gambles. It was during this period that the founder of our company, Alex Newman, met individuals who would help start the most ambitious marijuana project this city has ever seen.
In January of 2016 our story takes us to Higher Limits Cannabis Lounge when it first opened its doors. This was a one of a kind establishment- Canada’s largest cannabis lounge and only entertainment venue. Located on the 2nd floor in an old rock and roll overlooking the heart of downtown WIndsor, Higher Limits quickly became an international sensation and a local landmark. This unique venue operated as a marijuana consumption lounge complete with vaporizers, dag rigs, bong rentals, food service, video games, arcades, pool tables, lounge areas and more. There were weekly and monthly shows, drawing live comedy and musical acts such as Kenny vs. Spenny, The Trailer Park Boys: Randy and M.r Lahey, Jack Ass, The Sadies and more. Over its three year lifespan, Higher Limits became the center of cannabis culture in southern Ontario and a second home for many. Sadly, and ironically, with the passage of legalization in October 2018, the legal clauses which allowed HL to operate (indoor medical smoking) were extinguished and the wondrous facility was forced to close its doors New Year’s Eve 2018. It was a magical place who inspired many of the current cannabis store owners operating today.